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  • Services for Colleges & Universities

    Foster a safe and supportive college community with resources that teach young adults how to manage their mental health and recognize signs of suicide.

    mental services for college students

Suicide Prevention for College Students, Faculty, and Staff

College is a time of transition where young adults are navigating new social settings and can often experience challenges such as feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or homesick. It’s also the time when mental health concerns often first appear, between the ages of 18 and 25. 

SOS for Higher Ed is a suite of suicide prevention training grounded in the ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) framework. The student course includes real stories of student mental health struggles and recovery, while the faculty/staff version highlights real adults sharing their stories of helping students.

Purchase individual courses or as a package for your campus.

Trainings for your Campus

Everyone on your campus has a genuine interest in your students’ well-being and we know that many school staff members are not trained on how to help a student who is struggling.

To support schools, we offer a variety of trainings and customizable webinars for everyone from faculty and campus counselors to guidance staff and even security and safety teams. Our online, self-led Psychological First Aid (PFA) training also provides a comprehensive and highly interactive program that prepares attendees to support individuals and communities after a traumatic event.

Additional training topics include:

  • Understanding mental health and substance use
  • Fostering resilience and understanding stress
  • Understanding trauma-informed systems for schools
  • Crisis management for schools and institutions
  • +more

"We want to support our student-athletes by empowering and training those around them on how best to communicate and care for them.

This partnership with MindWise will provide them, coaches and staff with the resources and tools needed to maintain healthy mental well-being."

America East Conference
College Screening

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