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Why Making Amends Can Help Your Mental Health Sometimes holidays can bring out the best in us. And sometimes they can highlight the things we are struggling with, which may be a relationship with a …
How We Act with Veterans Matters Veterans are such an important part of our society. They are leaders, committed to protecting and serving our country, and upholding our freedoms. Our acknowledgement of this is important …
Managing Post-Election Anxiety The election process can be a stressful one for everyone, and if you find that you are dealing with unwanted anxiety, stress, or depression, even after the election has passed, it might …
Mentally Sound Inspiration As a mental health advocate, and someone who lives with a significant amount of anxiety on a daily basis, inspirational quotes are something I have a love-hate relationship with. On one hand, …
The Scariest Part of Halloween Today is Halloween which means you may have been indulging in a horror movie marathon this weekend. Whether you watched Psycho, The Shining, Nightmare on Elm Street, or another spooky …
A New Generation of Mental Health Needs Growing up in the information age, millennials have witnessed the development of the Internet which has revolutionized modern society by creating a global system for networking and communication. …
Lincoln’s Melancholy Given the impending election, many of us are thinking about Presidents. Abraham Lincoln was certainly a notable president. Though the history books play a significant role in our perception of the “rail-splitter” from …
Are Singles More Depressed than their Counterparts? Last Thursday (Oct 6) was National Depression Screening Day (NDSD), a day dedicated to raising awareness about depression and the importance of seeking help when you have signs …
Warning Signs that You Shouldn’t Ignore Your significant other has been acting a bit differently lately. You notice little things, but they seem to keep adding up bit by bit. The offhand comment about feeling …