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Are Singles More Depressed than their Counterparts?

Last Thursday (Oct 6) was National Depression Screening Day (NDSD), a day dedicated to raising awareness about depression and the importance of seeking help when you have signs and symptoms of depression. We took a look at data gathered over the past year, comprised of more than 700,000 screenings, and noticed an interesting trend: people who selected “single” as their partnership status scored more highly consistent for symptoms of depression, than their counterparts.

Out of the nearly 51,000 depression screenings taken by single individuals in the past twelve months, about half (48%) scored highly consistent for symptoms of depression. Compare this with 31% of those who selected “married or in a domestic partnership”, and 38% for those who selected “widowed”. Those who selected “Divorced or Separated,” came in at a close second with 46%.

What does this tell us? It tells us that single individuals are actively engaging in early intervention efforts to get the help they need. It tells us that are recognizing that what they’re feeling may not be normal, every-day stress or sadness and they’re taking the first step to getting connected with critical mental health resources. Below, we included some additional data to consider:

Depression Screening Data

  • Over 700,000 screenings were taken in the past year through Screening for Mental Health’s online screening program.
  • Over 200,000 depression screenings were taken, 86% of which were consistent with depression (47% highly consistent, 30% consistent). 52% of the screenings for depression included the option to select a partnership status.
  • 83% of those who took the screenings were 25 years old or under
  • Those 18-24 and 85+ scored most highly consistent for symptoms of depression

October is Depression Awareness Month. It is a great opportunity to check in on your mental health for yourself or a friend. Free, anonymous mental health screenings are available at Whatever your partnership status, make your mental health a priority today.